Live Fish & Spawn Transportation Trucks


Fish transport tanks:

Polyester tanks, thermally insulated with no sloping floor, volume approx. 2,200 liters equipped with anti-splash equipment and fish jump protection system, oxygen distribution equipment, fish unloading opening and fittings for filling and emptying the contents with safety net.

Oxygen supply system:

The system consists of an oxygen tank (220 liters of liquid and gaseous phase), sufficient capacity for autonomy in multi-day transport, pressure and flow control system with the possibility of control while driving, system for the distribution of oxygen in each individual tank through finely porous diffusers (aerators).

Water tank filling system:

The water tank filling system consists of a portable centrifugal pump powered by a petrol engine, with a capacity sufficient to allow all tanks to be filled with water from an external source in 20 minutes.

Tank emptying system:

The tank emptying system allows individual and joint tank emptying. Collecting pipeline made of polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 80 mm, located under the floor of the superstructure, inside the auxiliary chassis of the vehicle, with a drain on both sides of the vehicle.

Containers for devices and equipment:

Partially closed tank at the front of the superstructure made of welded aluminum profiles to accommodate the oxygen tank supply equipment.

Tank for other equipment under the chassis, in front of the rear axle.

Auxiliary chassis and floor upgrades

Auxiliary chassis made of steel profiles in welded construction, of adequate material.

Platform made of waterproof plywood.

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